MIRA Sales Contest

Posted on 9/17/1997 by Jim Pickerell | Printable Version | Comments (0)



September 17, 1997

In July, we offered four prizes to photographers who could supply us with information about sales that were made for them by MPCA'S Media Image Resource Alliance (MIRA). Only two of the prizes were claimed.

The winner of $100 was Rick McClain of Salt Lake City who received approximately $400 for use of a picture of an irrigation system. Rick is not a TAKING STOCK subscriber, but the CEO of ASMP recommended that he call.

The second prize of $50 goes to Tom and Pat Leeson. Pat received $711.38 for a photo of a river otter in a children's magazine and a tiger in a trade show. She was told that the tiger image was the first sale made by MIRA in May.

Doug Peebles commented. "I am sorry I can not claim any reward. That may have been my last chance to make anything off of MPCA/MIRA. I have had images in there since close to the beginning and have yet to make a dime.

"I also have about 40 images on the CD that they finally released earlier this year. I have had similar images on both the Black Book & Stock Workbook discs with great success. The return from MPCA/MIRA has been dismal. They claim that they are unlike any stock agency. I am beginning to believe it, but I would rather have 50% of something than 70% of nothing.

"I hope nobody is really counting on them."

Copyright © 1997 Jim Pickerell. The above article may not be copied, reproduced, excerpted or distributed in any manner without written permission from the author. All requests should be submitted to Selling Stock at 10319 Westlake Drive, Suite 162, Bethesda, MD 20817, phone 301-461-7627, e-mail: wvz@fpcubgbf.pbz

Jim Pickerell is founder of www.selling-stock.com, an online newsletter that publishes daily. He is also available for personal telephone consultations on pricing and other matters related to stock photography. He occasionally acts as an expert witness on matters related to stock photography. For his current curriculum vitae go to: http://www.jimpickerell.com/Curriculum-Vitae.aspx.  


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