July 7, 1999
Business Week has announced a new rate policy effective July 1, 1999 with
substantial increases in usage rates. This is an interim policy while
negotiations continue between Business Week and a group of editorial
photographers. There are two full proposals on the table and it is expected to
be several weeks before a final policy is approved. The rates below apply to all
photographers and all work done for BW, not just for the photographers involved
in the negotiations.The rates are as follows:
1/4 page or less
$ 225
(this is up from $175.00 still the official rate at Time Magazine and an increase
of 29 percent. Further there will be no more spot rate bringing the minimum rate
from $100 to $225.00)
1/3 page
(new category which will help photographers because prior they only paid an
increase at 1/2 page size.)
1/2 page
(up from $250.00 for an increase of 30 percent)
2/3 page
(again a new category)
3/4 page
(up from $400.00 for an increase of 25 percent and $100.00 more than Forbes, Time
and Newsweek.)
Full page
(up from 500 for an increase of 20 percent and again more than all of the
Business Week will also still pay for research fees when they are applicable. In
addition the day rate was recently increased to $400.00 from $350.00 or roughly
14 percent and the cover rate was increased to $1500 from $1000.00 or 50%.