July 8, 1997
As this newsletter is released the 4th edition of Negotiating Stock Photo Prices is on press. The pricing section has been expanded to 64 pages with up-to-date information on Web pricing and new schedules in every category.
In addition there is a totally new section on pricing uses in the United Kingdom. This section is interesting from several points of view, not the least of which is that it gives photographers a chance to compare prices between the U.S. and the U.K.
In the front of this 272 page book, Cheryl and I have provided a detailed analysis of the industry as we see it today. For many, it is not necessarily a pretty picture. If there is one operating word it is CHANGE.
What you thought you knew about this business five years ago, two years ago, six months ago, 30 seconds ago -- may no longer be accurate. At the very least every stock photographer - whether they have been in the business 20 years or 2 months - needs to examine again all the principles about stock photography that they hold dear -- and determine, which ones are still valid.
We have tried to help you do this. Some will disagree with some of the conclusions we draw, but if your interest is in earning an income -- whether completely, or as a supplement to your major photographic endeavor -- you need to consider the issues we discuss.
The book sells for $30 (plus $4 postage and handling in the U.S.) and can be ordered by calling or faxing Kelly at: Stock Connection, 10319 Westlake Drive, Suite 162, Bethesda, MD 20817, phone: 301-251-0720; fax: 301-309-0941. Visa or master card orders accepted.
SPECIAL DISCOUNT: The price for all orders received before August 15th will be $25 (plus the $4 postage and handling) instead of $30. Special additional discounts are available for orders of ten or more books.