California-based Zenofolio has updated is photographer portfolio Web site service with new layout options, no-coding-needed theme design functionality and better search-engine optimization tools. The enhancements are now part of the site’s functionality at no additional cost.
The company says its package fulfills all the online presentation and e-commerce needs a photographer might have. The latest technology update introduces several design-related enhancements, such as the ability to integrate full-screen slideshows into photo sites. The point-and-click theme designer allows importing and exporting layouts, making it possible to share site designs within the Zenofolio community.
SEO improvements include access to Webmaster tools from Google, bing and Yahoo! Site maps are also being integrated across the Zenofolio platform to help content indexing.
Founded in 2004, Zenofolio is attempting to gain a larger share of a market segment that appears to be dominated by PhotoShelter, at least in terms of Web site traffic—which is largely everything in the online portfolio business. Alexa Internet ranks PhotoShelter as the far-and-away leader, compared to players such as liveBooks, A Photo Folio and Zenofolio.