Based on the searches they have been getting in the last few months Shutterstock has just released a new infographic on
2015 Creative Trends in the demand for still images, illustration and video clips.
One of the interesting trends for photographers is that searches for “top view” have increased 66% in the past year, as creative professionals look for more inventive ways to tell and visualize their stories. Make sure to use that keyword and look down for opportunities when you’re shooting.
They have also done an interesting world may that demonstrates that the subjects in demand vary widely in different parts of the world. In North America images that show technology and digital marketing are in greatest demand. In South America it is vinage and tropical images and in Europe it is food, sports, lifestyle and geometric. It is possible to click on each of these locations and see a sample of the images available on each subject.
In the design world the demand for double exposures is up 740%. There are also rising demand for the keywords Hipster, +431%; Low Poly, +420%; Long Shadow, +215% and Zentangle, +214%. The interesting thing here is that most of these are graphic design techniques that either don’t use much photography or are not very applicable to photography.
Nevertheless, for photographers it is worth looking at the samples and remembering that a huge percentage of the visuals being used today in advertising and brochures is graphic illustration, not photos. In the past Shutterstock has reported that one-third of the images downloaded from their site is illustration.
In the video arena Shutterstock reports that the projected global online video advertising spend worldwide in 2015 is expected to reach $9.8 billion worldwide. The question here is how many of those video ads will use stock video clips and how much will be paid for those clips.
It is believed that total video sales for Shutterstock in 2014 will be around $23 million. In Q3 2014 Getty’s video sales were about $17 million, up 25% from a year earlier.
Shutterstock did report that one of big demand are for video is in time lapse photography and they have had 26,890 searches in the last year.
There is more in the
infographic. Check it out.