The stock image industry has recognized that image search does not just happen at the agency Web site. A number of image sellers have invested in technologies that take collections to the buyer using Internet browser software.
German Panthermedia joined the list, announcing plugins for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Available for free download, these software packages add a search box to the Internet browser’s toolbar; typing in a search term triggers a Panthermedia search without having to first visit the image seller’s site.
Image suppliers and distributors such as Idée and PicScout have also made use of this type of technology. PicScout’s new image-marketing platform utilizes a Firefox plugin that works with Google Image Search. A browser plug in for Idée’s reverse image search engine TinEye is available for Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
Client-facing technologies like these are no longer optional. They are expected in a world where ease of use and convenience, particularly that of the time-saving kind, command a high premium.