Stockmile promotes itself as offering “FREE images” and says it has become an excellent source of photography, vector graphics, illustrations, clipart, handpicked bundles, and more for personal and business use.
Since the more than 32 million high-quality images offered in the new FREE collection are endless, companies from all sorts of niches can find the stock photos and vector graphics that can meet their business needs. These could be bloggers, image agencies, marketers, illustrators, fashion and beauty industries, ad agencies, publishing houses, magazines, and websites. They can use the royalty-free images for their promotion materials, such as booklets, advertisements, presentations, and more.
The catch is that most of the “FREE” images are watermarked with a big “Stock Image” logo across the center of the image. Unwatermarked versions can be purchased for prices ranging from €0,95 to €12,00 depending on file size, or €78,00 for an extended license.
There are about 800 images that are totally free and are licensed under a Creative Commons Zero license that basically means the user can do anything with them at no cost. All of these totally free images can be download and modified according to the user’s needs. The permission includes all commercial purposes without the necessity to provide attribution or asking permission from Stockmile or the photographer.
Stockmile Online Image Agency offers free registration. Basic members can browse the entire collection and may organize their own selections for free via Lightboxes creation. They can download and use all free images available without having to pay for them. Customers, who prefer to opt for licensed images, have three options, they can either choose one of the subscription plans, single downloads or credit packages. The agency's website supports 25 languages and seven currencies. Stockmile also offers 10% discount on all RM and RF images via a discount code.