In an effort to obtain updated information on revenue trends in the stock photo industry, we will be conducting a revenue survey at the 2010 CEPIC International Congress and New Media Conference, which that takes place in Dublin on June 9–13. In a blind survey, we will be asking representatives of every stock agency and stock image distributor to answer five brief questions on behalf of their company.
Those who are unable to attend the International Congress may also participate in this survey by answering the questions online at Survey Monkey. The results will be published in early July in the CEPIC newsletter and at Photo Licensing Options.
The more responses we receive, the more representative the data is likely to be. We ask each reader not only to complete the survey, but also to tell their colleagues about it and encourage them to do the same.
We would like a single response from each agency, library or production company. In those cases where more than one person in your company receives this notice, please try to coordinate your efforts so there is only one response from each agency.
Note: A similar survey conducted at the PACA International Conference last fall found that stock agencies and production companies had an average revenue decline of 21% in 2009 compared to 2008.
The following are the questions that make up the online survey.
CEPIC Revenue Survey
1 – What was your agency’s gross revenue in 2009?
__________________________ [ ] Euros [ ] English Pounds [ ] U.S. Dollars
Please enter the amount in Euros, English Pounds or U.S. Dollars and indicate which currency in one of the check boxes.
2 - How did your earnings in 2009 compare to those in 2008?
[ ] about the same (plus or minus 5%)
_________ percentage increased if more than 5%
_________ percentage decreased if more than 5%
3 – Are your earnings so far in 2010 increasing or decreasing compared to the same period in 2009?
[ ] about the same (plus or minus 5%)
_________ percentage increased if more than 5%
_________ percentage decreased if more than 5%
4 – What percentage of the 2009 revenue reported in question one (1) came from direct sales to customers as opposed to sales made by a third party which took a percentage of the gross fee before remitting the remainder to you?
Percentage revenue from direct sales: __________________
5 – Country where your company is headquartered: ____________________