Alamy has told contributors that they no longer need them to supply copies of releases when the images are submitted. However, they advise that it is best if the contributor would indicate in the Alamy Image Manager under the optional information tab that a release is accessible. Then the customer can request to see the release if it is needed.
In the Alamy Image Manager if the photographer chooses to indicate the number of people in the photo, they will then be given the option to select if they have a model release. If the photographer chooses yes to including property in the photo, they will then be given the option to mark if they have a property release.
This seems to indicate that buyers almost never request to see a release, similar to almost never does a buyer read the fine print that images are in the collection without agency middleman verification that the release not only exists but is also valid.
For more information about Alamy’s release policies check out
this link.