Photographers living in the New York Metro Area who have evidence of a copyright infringement of their work may want to check out
this opportunity for free legal assistance in pursuing their case.
The Copyright Alliance is partnering the New York based Cravath, Swaine and Moore LLP to assist in finding potential clients for an externship program to provide free legal representation to individuals and small businesses in lawsuits involving cutting edge copyright issues. Through this initiative, Columbia law school students, under the supervision of Cravath attorneys David Marriott and David Kappos, will provide pro bono legal counsel to individuals and small businesses on copyright cases. The goal of the program is to teach trial skills to students in the context of copyright disputes.
Clients who are accepted will not be responsible for legal fees, but they will be responsible for any out of pocket expenses such as filing and registration fees, travel expenses, etc.
Cases might result in some form of settlement agreement.
For more information about the service and how to apply check out this