PhotoShelter has released Personal Archive 2.0. The update includes a new template library that PhotoShelter CEO Allen Murabayashi says will allow photographers to “re-skin” their archive-driven Web sites in under 30 seconds. An embeddable slide show, YouTube-style, is also among the new features, which are supported by introductory discounts.
The same blog post that announced this release also said that PhotoShelter will maintain the online discussion forums it first put in place to support its now-defunct stock-licensing business. Murabayashi invited the community to virtually attend the next forum question-and-answer session, “The Economy, Digital Railroad and PhotoShelter,” scheduled for noon (EST) on Monday.
In addition, Murabayashi said that PhotoShelter has been in contact with Digital Rairload management to “to extend to them our fullest support and respect during this very difficult time.” As Digital Railroad seeks resolution to its financial predicament, PhotoShelter is at work on a tool to help facilitate migration for Digital Railroad customers. Additional information on both has been promised later in the week.