Getty Images’ Orchard Represents and Annie Leibovitz have entered into a multi-assignment collaboration.
Leibovitz, designated a Living Legend by the U.S. Library of Congress, is best known for her work for Rolling Stone in the 1970s and Vanity Fair since the early 1980s. She is the recipient of multiple awards and honors in several countries.
However, recent news headlines concerning the famed photographer have been less positive. Despite unparalleled commercial success, Leibovitz is in a considerable financial bind. As of late last year, she is being sued for unpaid bills by a wardrobe stylist and a lighting company. She has also taken out a mortgage on her New York City home and borrowed $15.5 from Art Capital Group, using her life’s work as collateral in a deal akin to a pawn-shop transaction.
The full extent and duration of Leibovitz’s collaboration with Orchard are not yet clear. According to blogging industry pundits, including Rob Haggard, the photographer has retained her existing representation and relationships with Art + Commerce and Contact Press Images.