Stock photographers looking for a way to make some extra money might want to take a look at this
article from the National Law Review.
The Law Review argues that law firms need to consistently update their attorney portraits on their websites because “prospective clients may use them to form a first impression” of the law firm.
Many law firms do not have the time, or even a designated staff member, to handle a photo shoot. They might appreciate the services of a photographer who would regularly check with the firm to see if they have any new hires and then make arrangement to shoot the portraits and update the web site so it has a consistent look.
It may be time to check with a few law firms in your local community to see if they need that service.
The article also talks about law firms having “custom stock image libraries,” although I doubt that many law firms have much of a need or demand for stock images. On the other hand, there may be instances where they need specific images shot for a particular case. In those instances it may be useful to have the name of a photographer to contact.