iStock Photographer And Illustrator Comparisons

Posted on 7/6/2015 by Jim Pickerell | Printable Version | Comments (0)

Since 2009 I have been tracking the image downloads of some of iStock’s leading contributors. Beginning in 2012 I increased the number of individuals tracked on a semi-annual basis to 430. While 430 is only a small percentage of iStock’s total contributors which number more than 100,000 combined this small group has at least 55,479,000 downloads and given the way iStock reports these numbers possibly as many as 58,416,000 downloads. I believe these numbers represent about one-third of all iStock downloads since the company’s founding in 2002.

Many tend to think of iStock as a place where photographers market their work, but a significant number of the images licensed are illustrations produced by graphic designers and illustrators. Many of these people also buy stock images. In fact, iStock was more or less founded by image buyers (graphic designers and illustrators) who were looking for less expensive access to illustration and photographs. The company’s first suppliers were image buyers that decided to share for free what they had created for their own projects with other image users via the Internet.

In this article I have tried to separate out the contributors who just provide Illustration (I) from those who just provide Photography (P). A significant number of contributors offer both Photography and Illustration (PI) and from reviewing their work it is hard to tell what their core training in this industry might have been – photography or illustration.

One of the things to note is that Illustrators tend to have much smaller image collections than photographers. Despite having fewer images in their collections often their work is downloaded more frequently than the work of photographers. There may be many reasons for this, but I believe three are significant.
    1 – Image buyers are in regular direct contact with the end using customers. As a result they have a better sense of what is needed than most photographers who usually have no direct communication with image users.
    2 – As illustrators, they are able to create images that perfectly illustrate particular concepts and have none of the small distractions that tend to be a part of even the mose carefully designed photograph.
    3 – Increasingly buyers are looking for simple illustration that communicate a message quickly and precisely when viewed at a small size like a cell phone. Illustrations often work best in these cases.
I have divided the list below into three groups and organized each group by total minimum downloads for each contributor at of the end of 2014. A little over half the contributors are in the “I” or “PI” categories. In looking at the portfolios of the PIs it is often hard to tell whether the individual is primarily a photographer with an excellent focus on basic concepts and a lot of experience, or a trained graphic artist who does some photography on the side. Each individual in this group may have different training and experience, but I suspect a high percentage of the PI’s are graphic artists.

    Total Minimum Median Maximum   Maximum
    Images Total Downloads Possible DL   Possible DL
      Downloads Last As of   Last Two
      July 1 2015 6 Months July 1,2015   Years
Photographers 213 1,649,412 29,763,000 30,616,000 31,469,000   3,512,000
Illustrators 115 380,410 13,358,000 13,390,000 13,422,000   1,299,000
Photographer/Illus. 102 403,587 12,358,000 12,563,500 12,949,000   1,419,000
    2,433,409 55,479,000 56,569,500 57,840,000   6,230,000
    Column 2 is the number of creators in the category. The Minimum Downloads is the total reported downloads on the contributors profile page as of July 1, 2015. Given the way iStock reports these numbers the maximum possible downloads could be somewhat higher. I have calculated the maximum possible downloads for each contributor and the totals are in column 6 of the chart above. Column 5 is the median between columns 4 and 6 and is probably close to the real number of downloads for all these contributors.

    The last column is the total number of downloads between the minimum of July 1, 2013 and the maximum possible as of July 1, 2015. The actual number will be somewhat less than this number.

Chart Below

The chart below supplies the download figures for each of the 430 individuals. Note that the first three listing are all different accounts of Yuri Arcurs and images have moved between these different accounts in the last two years.

The first column is the contributors pseudonym. The second column is the year the contributor started submitting images to iStock. The third column indicates whether the contributor is exclusive (E) or non-exclusive (N). Column 4 indicates whether the contributor is an illustrator (I), a photographer (P) or a person who shows both photography and illustration (PI). Column 5 is the contributor’s total downloads as of July 1, 2013. Column 6 is the downloads at the end of 2014 and column 7 is the downloads as of July 1, 2015.are the contributor’s total downloads at the end of years 2012, 2013 and 2014.

Column 8 is the maximum possible downloads in the last 6 months. The minimum number of downloads can be determined by subtracting column 6 from 7. Column 9 is the maximum possible downloads for the contributor over the past two years. The actual number will be somewhat less in most cases.

For more information about the current state of iStock check out the stories here and here.

People Year E/N Cat Downloads Downloads Downloads Max DL 2 Year
  Start     July End July 6 Mos. Max
        2013 2014 2015   Growth
Peopleimages 2014 E P   7100 22000   22000
Yuri 2013 E P   70000 79000 10000  
Yuri Arcurs 2005 E P 1500000 1500000 1500000 100000 100000
LiseGagne 2003 E P 1100000 1200000 1200000 100000 200000
hidesy 2003 E P 710000 730000 730000 10000 30000
monkeybusinessimages 2008 N P 470000 610000 630000 30000 170000
jhorracks 2003 E P 540000 560000 560000 10000 30000
Nikada 2005 E P 420000 450000 450000 10000 40000
skynesher 2006 E P 370000 430000 440000 20000 80000
Urbancow 2004 E P 390000 400000 400000 10000 20000
webphotographeer 2005 E P 350000 370000 370000 10000 30000
neustockimages 2006 E P 330000 360000 370000 20000 50000
4x6 2002 E P 330000 360000 360000 10000 40000
skodonnell 2005 E P 320000 340000 340000 10000 30000
shironosov 2006 N P 260000 320000 330000 20000 80000
peepo 2006 E P 280000 300000 300000 10000 30000
pixdeluxe 2008 E P 270000 280000 290000 20000 30000
aldomurillo 2005 E P 260000 280000 280000 10000 30000
ranplett 2002 E P 270000 270000 270000 10000 10000
laflor 2006 E P 260000 270000 270000 10000 20000
YinYang 2006 E P 240000 250000 260000 20000 30000
asiseeit 2004 E P 200000 240000 260000 30000 70000
sdominick 2002 E P 250000 250000 250000 10000 10000
TommL 2006 E P 220000 240000 250000 20000 40000
Cimmerian 2003 E P 240000 240000 240000 10000 10000
Mlenny 2005 E P 220000 230000 230000 10000 20000
RapidEye 2006 E P 210000 230000 230000 10000 30000
izusek 2002 E P 200000 220000 230000 20000 40000
lugo 2002 E P 200000 210000 210000 10000 20000
viafilms (MorganL) 2006 N P 180000 200000 200000 10000 30000
Juanmonino 2006 E P 180000 200000 200000 10000 30000
Maica 2005 E P 190000 190000 200000 20000 20000
stevecoleimages 2006 E P 180000 190000 200000 20000 30000
kcline 2003 E P 190000 190000 190000 10000 10000
Kevinruss 2004 N P 190000 190000 190000 10000 10000
PeskyMonkey 2007 E P 170000 180000 190000 20000 30000
Elenathewise 2005 N P 160000 180000 190000 20000 40000
CEFutcher 2008 E P 130000 170000 190000 30000 70000
Floortje 2006 E P 170000 180000 180000 10000 20000
nyul 2006 N P 160000 170000 180000 20000 30000
ValuaVitaly 2007 N P 150000 170000 170000 10000 30000
kupicoo 2009 E P 130000 160000 170000 20000 50000
Avtg 2005 E P 150000 160000 160000 10000 20000
jacomstephens 2006 E P 150000 160000 160000 10000 20000
ooyoo 2006 E P 160000 160000 160000 10000 10000
LeggNet 2005 E P 150000 160000 160000 10000 20000
Stockphoto4U 2006 E P 150000 160000 160000 10000 20000
ThePalmer 2003 E P 150000 160000 160000 10000 20000
Turnervisual 2006 E P 160000 160000 160000 10000 10000
EHStock 2006 E P 140000 150000 160000 20000 30000
Squaredpixels 2009 E P 100000 140000 160000 30000 70000
aldra 2005 E P 140000 150000 150000 10000 20000
tacojim 2004 E P 150000 150000 150000 10000 10000
francisblack 2006 E P 140000 150000 150000 10000 20000
diego-cervo 2005 N P 130000 150000 150000 10000 30000
mediaphotos 2008 E P 110000 140000 150000 20000 50000
barsik 2004 N P 140000 140000 140000 10000 10000
snapphoto 2004 E P 140000 140000 140000 10000 10000
jsmith 2003 E P 140000 140000 140000 10000 10000
buzbuzzer 2005 E P 130000 140000 140000 10000 20000
malerapaso 2008 E P 130000 140000 140000 10000 20000
Sportstock 2006 E P 130000 140000 140000 10000 20000
kzenon 2007 N P 110000 130000 140000 20000 40000
dlewis33 2006 E P 120000 130000 130000 10000 20000
duckycards 2003 E P 120000 130000 130000 10000 20000
ImagineGolf 2005 E P 130000 130000 130000 10000 10000
iofoto 2007 N P 120000 130000 130000 10000 20000
kate_sept2004 2005 E P 120000 130000 130000 10000 20000
konradlew 2005 E P 130000 130000 130000 10000 10000
leezsnow 2005 E P 130000 130000 130000 10000 10000
PhotoEuphoria 2004 N P 120000 130000 130000 10000 20000
RBFried 2004 E P 120000 130000 130000 10000 20000
TriggerPhoto 2004 E P 130000 130000 130000 10000 10000
Viorika 2006 E P 130000 130000 130000 10000 10000
willselarep 2005 E P 130000 130000 130000 10000 10000
Jbryson 2004 N P 120000 130000 130000 10000 20000
simonkr 2005 E P 110000 130000 130000 10000 30000
wragg 2008 E P 110000 130000 130000 10000 30000
abzee 2005 E P 120000 120000 130000 20000 20000
nano 2002 E P 120000 120000 120000 10000 10000
Vasko 2004 E P 120000 120000 120000 10000 10000
akurtz 2005 E P 110000 120000 120000 10000 20000
andipantz 2002 E P 110000 120000 120000 10000 20000
H-Gall 2007 E P 120000 120000 120000 10000 10000
LajosRepasi 2007 E P 120000 120000 120000 10000 10000
piksel 2004 N P 110000 120000 120000 10000 20000
veni 2006 E P 120000 120000 120000 10000 10000
ArtisticCaptures 2006 E P 110000 120000 120000 10000 20000
loooby 2004 N P 110000 120000 120000 10000 20000
shapecharge 2004 E P 110000 120000 120000 10000 20000
1001nights 2006 E P 100000 110000 110000 10000 20000
gmnicholas 2003 E P 110000 110000 110000 10000 10000
kickstand 2002 E P 110000 110000 110000 10000 10000
lovleah 2003 N P 100000 110000 110000 10000 20000
LPETTET 2002 E P 110000 110000 110000 10000 10000
phildate 2005 N P 100000 110000 110000 10000 20000
plainview 2007 E P 110000 110000 110000 10000 10000
tomazl 2003 E P 110000 110000 110000 10000 10000
Bim 2005 E P 100000 110000 110000 10000 20000
fstop123 2006 E P 93000 100000 110000 20000 27000
ftwitty 2005 E P 100000 100000 100000 10000 10000
pawel.gaul 2007 E P 96000 100000 100000 10000 14000
small_frog 2006 E P 97000 100000 100000 10000 13000
aabejon 2004 E P 97000 100000 100000 10000 13000
Paha_L 2005 N P 94000 100000 100000 10000 16000
matka_wariatka 2003 N P 93000 100000 100000 10000 17000
anouchka 2005 E P 95000 100000 100000 10000 15000
slobo 2005 E P 95000 100000 100000 10000 15000
davidf 2003 E P 94000 99000 100000 11000 16000
LauriPatterson 2009 E P 88000 100000 100000 10000 22000
Ljupco 2005 N P 84000 99000 100000 11000 26000
Dean Mitchell 2008 E P 82000 96000 99000 4000 18000
Thomas_Eyedesign 2005 E P 88000 96000 98000 3000 11000
jaroon 2006 E P 91000 96000 97000 2000 7000
sandocir 2002 E P 91000 92000 92000 1000 2000
Devonyu 2005 N P 79000 91000 92000 2000 14000
Okea 2007 N P 76000 90000 92000 3000 17000
sisoje 2005 E P 87000 90000 91000 2000 5000
cdwheatley 2007 E P 84000 90000 91000 2000 8000
Rtimages 2006 N P 80000 89000 90000 2000 11000
laughingmango 2007 E P 84000 89000 89000 1000 6000
manley099 2006 E P 84000 88000 89000 2000 6000
JoeGough 2004 N P 81000 88000 89000 2000 9000
chictype 2006 E P 85000 88000 88000 1000 4000
Renphoto 2004 E P 80000 83000 84000 2000 5000
tunart 2006 E P 77000 82000 84000 3000 8000
JLGutierrez 2006 E P 81000 83000 83000 1000 3000
webking 2004 N P 78000 82000 82000 1000 5000
ziggymaj 2004 E P 76000 80000 81000 2000 6000
nycshooter 2007 E P 75000 80000 81000 2000 7000
alvarez 2005 E P 73000 79000 80000 2000 8000
endopack 2005 N P 73000 78000 79000 2000 7000
TerryJ 2004 E P 74000 78000 79000 2000 6000
sculpies 2006 N P 71000 78000 79000 2000 9000
DenisTangneyJr 2006 E P 67000 76000 79000 4000 13000
Trout55 2006 E P 75000 78000 78000 1000 4000
eyecrave 2003 E P 74000 77000 78000 2000 5000
Claudiad 2005 E P 72000 77000 78000 2000 7000
naphtalina 2005 E P 75000 77000 77000 1000 3000
creacart 2005 E P 73000 76000 77000 2000 5000
FotografiaBasica 2005 E P 72000 76000 77000 2000 6000
damircudic 2004 E P 72000 76000 77000 2000 6000
ozgurdonmaz 2007 E P 69000 75000 77000 3000 9000
Marje 2002 E P 74000 76000 76000 1000 3000
clu 2002 E P 73000 75000 76000 2000 4000
sharply_done 2006 E P 71000 75000 76000 2000 6000
arekmaiang 2005 N P 67000 75000 76000 2000 10000
nullplus 2003 E P 66000 74000 76000 3000 11000
klikk 2003 N P 71000 75000 75000 1000 5000
kertlis 2006 E P 72000 75000 75000 1000 4000
aleaimage 2007 E P 72000 74000 74000 1000 3000
thelinke 2005 E P 72000 74000 74000 1000 3000
Kemter 2006 E P 71000 74000 74000 1000 4000
gchutka 2006 E P 69000 73000 74000 2000 6000
Fertnig 2007 E P 67000 73000 74000 2000 8000
BartCo 2006 E P 67000 73000 74000 2000 8000
keeweeboy 2003 N P 68000 72000 73000 2000 6000
shorrocks 3003 E P 71000 72000 72000 1000 2000
nicolesy 2006 E P 67000 71000 72000 2000 6000
DrGrounds 2003 E P 70000 71000 71000 1000 2000
groveb 2005 E P 69000 71000 71000 1000 3000
Andrew_Howe 2005 E P 66000 70000 71000 2000 6000
theboone 2005 E P 67000 70000 70000 1000 4000
adlifemarketing 2006 N P 65000 70000 70000 1000 6000
Brasil2 2006 E P 66000 69000 69000 1000 4000
Livingimages 2007 E P 66000 69000 69000 1000 4000
CostinT 2006 E P 66000 68000 69000 2000 4000
dmbaker 2005 N P 61000 69000 69000 1000 9000
MaszaS 2005 N P 64000 68000 68000 1000 5000
killerb10 2007 E P 66000 67000 67000 1000 2000
perkmeup 2006 N P 63000 67000 67000 1000 5000
pidjoe 2007 E P 64000 67000 67000 1000 4000
compassandcamera 2006 E P 63000 66000 67000 2000 5000
dashek 2003 N P 63000 66000 66000 1000 4000
matthewleesdixon 2005 N P 60000 65000 66000 2000 7000
laartist 2004 E P 63000 64000 64000 1000 2000
Pannonia 2006 E P 61000 63000 64000 2000 4000
imagesbytrista 2004 E P 62000 63000 63000 1000 2000
JJRD 2003 E P 60000 61000 61000 1000 2000
stevegeer 2004 E P 57000 60000 61000 2000 5000
xavierarnau 2006 E P 55000 60000 61000 2000 7000
ShyMan 2005 E P 59000 60000 60000 1000 2000
Tammy616 2005 E P 59000 60000 60000 1000 2000
apomares 2005 E P 56000 59000 60000 2000 5000
BenGoode 2005 N P 56000 59000 59000 1000 4000
acilo 2007 E P 56000 59000 59000 1000 4000
johnnyscriv 2006 E P 56000 59000 59000 1000 4000
MichaelDeLeon 2006 E P 55000 58000 59000 2000 5000
Terraxplorer 2006 E P 56000 58000 58000 1000 3000
Lya_Cattel 2006 E P 54000 58000 58000 1000 5000
absolut_100 2004 N P 54000 57000 58000 2000 5000
Lingbeek 2004 E P 56000 57000 57000 1000 2000
PaulCowan 2004 N P 53000 56000 57000 2000 5000
Enjoylife2 2005 N P 52000 56000 57000 2000 6000
claudiobaba 2006 N P 52000 55000 56000 2000 5000
Romaoslo 2006 E P 53000 55000 56000 2000 4000
ShaneKato 2006 E P 54000 55000 55000 1000 2000
starfotograf 2005 N P 52000 55000 55000 1000 4000
Brainsil 2005 E P 53000 55000 55000 1000 3000
walik 2005 E P 53000 55000 55000 1000 3000
JoeBiafore 2007 E P 52000 55000 55000 1000 4000
Sean_Warren 2006 E P 53000 54000 54000 1000 2000
Freezingtime 2005 N P 50000 53000 53000 1000 4000
Mandygodbehear 2005 N P 50000 53000 53000 1000 4000
Spanic 2005 E P 50000 52000 52000 1000 3000
Digical 2004 E P 50000 52000 52000 1000 3000
Rpsycho 2005 E P 50000 51000 52000 2000 3000
Funwithfood 2006 E P 50000 51000 52000 2000 3000
Skashkin 2003 E P 50000 51000 51000 1000 2000
jallfree 2004 E P 50000 51000 51000 1000 2000
ManoAfrica 2006 E P 49000 51000 51000 1000 3000
Atom Studios 2005 N P 47000 49000 49000 1000 3000
LawrenceSawyer 2006 E P 47000 48000 49000 2000 3000
Hartcreations 2006 E P 47000 48000 48000 1000 2000
creativepictures 2006 E P 46000 46000 46000 1000 1000
dstephens 2006 E P 42000 42000 43000 2000 2000
        27,622,000 29,490,000 29,844,000 1,708,000 3,518,000
alexsl 2005 E I 590000 610000 620000 20000 40000
sodafish 2005 E I 340000 350000 350000 10000 20000
enjoynz 2005 E I 310000 330000 330000 10000 30000
GlobalP 2006 N I 280000 320000 330000 20000 60000
bubaone 2006 E I 280000 320000 320000 10000 50000
mstay 2005 N I 260000 280000 280000 10000 30000
AndrewJohnson 2006 E I 240000 250000 250000 10000 20000
kirstypargeter 2004 N I 240000 250000 250000 10000 20000
A-Digit 2005 E I 220000 240000 250000 20000 40000
mammamaart 2003 E I 230000 240000 240000 10000 20000
pagadesign 2007 E I 210000 220000 220000 10000 20000
aleksandarvelasevic 2006 N I 200000 220000 220000 10000 30000
enot-poloskun 2005 E I 200000 210000 210000 10000 20000
appleuzr 2005 E I 200000 210000 210000 10000 20000
bluestocking 2005 E I 190000 200000 200000 10000 20000
sx70 2004 E I 190000 190000 190000 10000 10000
geopaul 2004 E I 190000 190000 190000 10000 10000
Palto 2006 N I 170000 180000 180000 10000 20000
browndogstudios 2006 E I 170000 180000 180000 10000 20000
Big_Ryan 2006 N I 150000 170000 170000 10000 30000
kemie 2002 E I 150000 150000 150000 10000 10000
russelltatedotcom 2005 E I 140000 150000 150000 10000 20000
ayzek 2007 N I 140000 150000 150000 10000 20000
Leontura 2005 E I 130000 150000 150000 10000 30000
fpm 2005 E I 140000 140000 140000 10000 10000
koun 2006 N I 140000 140000 140000 10000 10000
johnwoodcock 2006 E I 130000 140000 140000 10000 20000
pictafolio 2008 E I 130000 140000 140000 10000 20000
misha 2005 N I 120000 130000 130000 10000 20000
Sbayram 2006 E I 130000 130000 130000 10000 10000
Henrik5000 2006 E I 110000 130000 130000 10000 30000
Eraxion 2006 N I 110000 120000 130000 20000 30000
molotovcoketail 2005 E I 120000 120000 120000 10000 10000
DSGPro 2006 E I 110000 110000 110000 10000 10000
jangeltun 2004 E I 110000 110000 110000 10000 10000
mammuth 2002 E I 100000 110000 110000 10000 20000
solarseven 2006 N I 110000 110000 110000 10000 10000
chuwy 2005 E I 100000 110000 110000 10000 20000
Franck-Boston 2006 N I 100000 110000 110000 10000 20000
adventtr 2007 E I 100000 110000 110000 10000 20000
onurdongel 2005 E I 100000 100000 110000 20000 20000
Art-Y 2005 E I 100000 100000 100000 10000 10000
belterz 2004 E I 100000 100000 100000 10000 10000
ggodby 2003 E I 100000 100000 100000 10000 10000
lucato 2002 N I 100000 100000 100000 10000 10000
subjug 2006 E I 100000 100000 100000 10000 10000
simonox 2004 N I 99000 100000 100000 10000 11000
blackjack3D 2007 E I 97000 100000 100000 10000 13000
talaj 2006 E I 95000 100000 100000 10000 15000
edge69 2007 N I 91000 100000 100000 10000 19000
prill 2006 N I 91000 98000 99000 2000 9000
ZargonDesign 2007 E I 90000 96000 97000 2000 8000
Illustrious 2006 N I 93000 95000 95000 1000 3000
Natural_Warp 2004 E I 92000 94000 94000 1000 3000
penfold 2005 E I 91000 94000 94000 1000 4000
studiovision 2006 E I 90000 93000 93000 1000 4000
mxtama 2003 N I 80000 92000 93000 2000 14000
procurator 2007 N I 85000 91000 91000 1000 7000
exdez 2005 E I 84000 90000 91000 2000 8000
Petrovich9 2006 E I 87000 88000 88000 1000 2000
Beboy_ltd 2007 N I 83000 87000 88000 2000 6000
CTRd 2004 E I 85000 86000 86000 1000 2000
mipan 2005 N I 79000 84000 85000 2000 7000
77DZIGN 2006 E I 78000 80000 80000 1000 3000
pavlen 2005 E I 77000 79000 80000 2000 4000
grajte 2005 N I 76000 78000 79000 2000 4000
sweetym 2007 E I 78000 78000 78000 1000 1000
Aaltazar 2005 N I 71000 77000 78000 2000 8000
LoBoCo 2005 N I 76000 77000 77000 1000 2000
Ceneri 2004 E I 74000 76000 77000 2000 4000
angelhell 2002 E I 73000 76000 76000 1000 4000
zentilia 2008 N I 67000 75000 76000 2000 10000
FreeTransform 2005 E I 71000 75000 75000 1000 5000
borchee 2006 E I 65000 73000 75000 3000 11000
hypergon 2005 E I 72000 74000 74000 1000 3000
jamesbenet 2004 E I 72000 74000 74000 1000 3000
susaro 2006 E I 71000 74000 74000 1000 4000
julos 2006 N I 63000 73000 74000 2000 12000
ktsimage 2006 N I 67000 72000 73000 2000 7000
bortonia 2003 E I 66000 72000 73000 2000 8000
Nic_Taylor 2005 E I 70000 72000 72000 1000 3000
jpa1999 2002 E I 69000 71000 72000 2000 4000
porcorex 2008 E I 66000 71000 72000 2000 7000
kathykonkle 2005 N I 63000 70000 71000 2000 9000
winterling 2005 N I 66000 70000 70000 1000 5000
pringletta 2005 N I 66000 69000 69000 1000 4000
mecaleha 2004 N I 65000 68000 68000 1000 4000
chihhang 2006 N I 65000 67000 68000 2000 4000
thumb 2005 N I 63000 67000 68000 2000 6000
intergalacticDesign Studio 2004 E I 62000 64000 64000 1000 3000
aykuterdogan 2006 N I 61000 63000 63000 1000 3000
Inok 2006 E I 61000 63000 63000 1000 3000
AngelGILD 2006 N I 61000 62000 62000 1000 2000
CDH_Design 2006 E I 60000 62000 62000 1000 3000
dreaming2004 2004 E I 61000 62000 62000 1000 2000
sunnyfrog 2006 N I 58000 60000 61000 2000 4000
Pingwin 2006 E I 54000 60000 60000 1000 7000
janrysavy 2006 E I 58000 59000 59000 1000 2000
Tolchik 2005 N I 58000 59000 59000 1000 2000
selensergen 2005 N I 55000 59000 59000 1000 5000
timsa 2006 E I 56000 59000 59000 1000 4000
ChrisGorgio 2005 N I 52000 58000 59000 2000 8000
Dizzo 2004 E I 58000 58000 58000 1000 1000
Atropat 2005 N I 56000 57000 57000 1000 2000
highhorse 2004 E I 55000 56000 56000 1000 2000
prawny 2003 N I 55000 56000 56000 1000 2000
U.P.images 2006 N I 53000 54000 54000 1000 2000
bigredlynx 2004 N I 50000 51000 52000 2000 3000
jfelton 2006 N I 50000 51000 52000 2000 3000
alwyncooper 2002 E I 51000 51000 51000 1000 1000
rdegrie 2005 E I 50000 51000 51000 1000 2000
tharrison 2004 E I 49000 51000 51000 1000 3000
Kronick 2007 E I 48000 49000 49000 1000 2000
andhedesigns 2005 E I 45000 46000 46000 1000 2000
cyrop 2004 E I 45000 46000 46000 1000 2000
        12,624,000 13,283,000 13,358,000 640,000 1,299,000
DNY59 2005 E PI 1100000 1100000 1100000 100000 100000
duncan1890 2002 E PI 360000 370000 380000 20000 30000
blackred 2003 E PI 360000 370000 370000 10000 20000
spxchrome 2003 E PI 360000 370000 370000 10000 20000
nico_blue 2004 E PI 360000 350000 350000 10000 10000
andresr 2004 N PI 300000 330000 330000 10000 40000
caracterdesign 2004 E PI 300000 310000 310000 10000 20000
jgroup 2005 N PI 270000 290000 290000 10000 30000
mevans 2002 E PI 260000 270000 270000 10000 20000
diane39 2002 E PI 240000 240000 240000 10000 10000
filo 2005 E PI 220000 240000 240000 10000 30000
digitalskillet 2006 E PI 220000 230000 240000 20000 30000
Rawpixel 2006 E PI 160000 220000 240000 30000 90000
narvikk 2005 E PI 200000 210000 210000 10000 20000
Kativ 2006 E PI 200000 200000 200000 10000 10000
billnoll 2003 E PI 170000 180000 180000 10000 20000
Grafissimo 2005 E PI 160000 170000 170000 10000 20000
joshblake 2004 E PI 160000 160000 160000 10000 10000
mbbirdy 2003 E PI 150000 160000 160000 10000 20000
Robynmac 2006 N PI 130000 150000 150000 10000 30000
Graffizone 2004 E PI 140000 140000 140000 10000 10000
scottdunlap 2003 E PI 130000 140000 140000 10000 20000
AlexRaths 2006 N PI 110000 130000 140000 20000 40000
kycstudio 2002 E PI 130000 130000 130000 10000 10000
ZoneCreative 2006 E PI 130000 130000 130000 10000 10000
MarsBars 2003 E PI 120000 130000 130000 10000 20000
mattjeacock 2006 E PI 110000 130000 130000 10000 30000
eyeidea 2005 N PI 120000 120000 120000 10000 10000
rzdeb 2002 E PI 110000 110000 110000 10000 10000
deliormanli 2006 E PI 110000 110000 110000 10000 10000
redmal 2004 E PI 100000 110000 110000 10000 20000
Pgiam 2008 N PI 100000 110000 110000 10000 20000
evirgen 2005 E PI 100000 100000 100000 10000 10000
NickS 2002 E PI 100000 100000 100000 10000 10000
kameleon007 2004 E PI 98000 100000 100000 10000 12000
rontech2000 2005 E PI 95000 99000 99000 1000 5000
da-kuk 2005 E PI 94000 98000 99000 2000 6000
amriphoto 2007 E PI 85000 98000 99000 2000 15000
arsenik 2002 E PI 90000 93000 93000 1000 4000
YanC 2004 N PI 84000 89000 89000 1000 6000
GeorgePeters 2005 E PI 76000 80000 81000 2000 6000
danielle71 2003 N PI 79000 80000 80000 1000 2000
inhauscreativbe 2005 E PI 74000 79000 80000 2000 7000
RyanJLane 2005 E PI 66000 77000 80000 4000 15000
Luso 2002 E PI 77000 79000 79000 1000 3000
Ivanovainga 2007 N PI 71000 79000 79000 1000 9000
ideabug 2005 E PI 72000 77000 78000 2000 7000
Kuzma 2005 N PI 68000 76000 77000 2000 10000
coloroftime 2005 E PI 69000 75000 77000 3000 9000
Goldmund 2005 N PI 73000 76000 76000 1000 4000
fotosipsak 2007 E PI 71000 75000 76000 2000 6000
pkline 2005 E PI 73000 75000 75000 1000 3000
Deejpilot 2006 E PI 70000 74000 75000 2000 6000
Mentalart 2007 N PI 71000 74000 74000 1000 4000
Elerium 2002 E PI 71000 72000 72000 1000 2000
Pinopic 2006 E PI 71000 72000 72000 1000 2000
mikdam 2005 N PI 65000 72000 72000 1000 8000
MCCAIG 2006 E PI 68000 71000 72000 2000 5000
bkindler 2002 E PI 69000 71000 71000 1000 3000
gbrundin 2003 E PI 68000 70000 71000 2000 4000
gmutlu 2007 E PI 66000 70000 71000 2000 6000
claylib 2002 E PI 69000 70000 70000 1000 2000
bonniej 2003 E PI 69000 70000 70000 1000 2000
Akirastock 2003 E PI 68000 69000 69000 1000 2000
adamkaz 2005 E PI 63000 68000 69000 2000 7000
SchulteProductions 2006 E PI 64000 67000 68000 2000 5000
domin_domin 2006 E PI 63000 67000 68000 2000 6000
mariusFM77 2005 E PI 65000 66000 67000 2000 3000
zoomstudio 2005 E PI 65000 66000 67000 2000 3000
dwphotos 2005 N PI 59000 66000 67000 2000 9000
Silberkorn 2006 N PI 61000 65000 66000 2000 6000
StanRohrer 2003 E PI 65000 66000 66000 1000 2000
EasyBuy4u 2007 E PI 62000 66000 66000 1000 5000
VisualField 2005 E PI 64000 65000 66000 2000 3000
LordRunar 2006 E PI 61000 65000 66000 2000 6000
pederk 2002 E PI 63000 65000 65000 1000 3000
og-vision 2005 N PI 61000 65000 65000 1000 5000
Tpopova 2006 N PI 58000 65000 65000 1000 8000
georgeclerk 2006 E PI 57000 63000 65000 3000 9000
wolv 2003 E PI 63000 64000 64000 1000 2000
multifocus 2006 N PI 56000 62000 64000 3000 9000
humonia 2004 N PI 59000 63000 63000 1000 5000
macroworld 2006 E PI 60000 62000 63000 2000 4000
imagestock 2007 E PI 60000 62000 63000 2000 4000
Rouzes 2006 E PI 59000 62000 62000 1000 4000
Spanishalex 2005 N PI 58000 61000 61000 1000 4000
alptraum 2005 N PI 56000 61000 61000 1000 6000
jane 2004 E PI 57000 59000 59000 1000 3000
MistikaS 2006 E PI 55000 56000 57000 2000 3000
absolutely_frenchy 2003 N PI 55000 56000 56000 1000 2000
jtyler 2003 E PI 53000 55000 55000 1000 3000
Acik 2007 N PI 51000 55000 55000 1000 5000
Soubrette 2002 E PI 53000 54000 54000 1000 2000
Roob 2005 N PI 50000 54000 54000 1000 5000
AlexMax 2006 N PI 51000 53000 53000 1000 3000
Andyd 2003 E PI 51000 52000 52000 1000 2000
stphillips 2004 E PI 49000 51000 51000 1000 3000
Gizmo 2004 E PI 48000 50000 51000 2000 4000
clintspencer 2006 E PI 48000 49000 49000 1000 2000
Flutter_97321 2002 E PI 49000 49000 49000 1000 1000
Hanis 2010 E PI 48000 49000 49000 1000 2000
        11,650,000 12,194,000 12,277,000 589,000 1,143,000
        51,896,000 54,967,000 55,479,000 2,937,000 5,960,000

Copyright © 2015 Jim Pickerell. The above article may not be copied, reproduced, excerpted or distributed in any manner without written permission from the author. All requests should be submitted to Selling Stock at 10319 Westlake Drive, Suite 162, Bethesda, MD 20817, phone 301-461-7627, e-mail: wvz@fpcubgbf.pbz

Jim Pickerell is founder of, an online newsletter that publishes daily. He is also available for personal telephone consultations on pricing and other matters related to stock photography. He occasionally acts as an expert witness on matters related to stock photography. For his current curriculum vitae go to:  


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