Good News: $415,000 Photo Sale
Posted on 8/29/2013 by Jim Pickerell | Printable Version |
Comments (2)
In this time of ever declining stock photo prices it is great when we can report a significant license fee for stock images.
Last week one of the remaining, small, independent photo agencies negotiated a campaign of global scope entailing unlimited print, web and marketing uses of 7 images for a period of 10 years for a total fee of $415,000.
Unfortunately, I’m not at liberty to tell my readers a lot about the specific images or the customer. Suffice to say that the images were unique. They couldn’t be reshot and no one else had anything else that would remotely satisfy this particular customer’s needs. One of the big reasons why most stock images are licensed at such low prices today is that there are usually tens if not hundreds of similar images out there that may not be quite as good as the one the photographer has to offer, but will work just fine for the customer’s planned use.
Such situations are rarer than winning the lottery, but they still can happen. And when such a situation arises it helps to have an excellent negotiator handling the negotiations for the photographer.
Copyright © 2013
Jim Pickerell.
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