November 26, 1999
It turns out that there are even more versions of the Science Voyages 2000 series by
In some cases textbook publisher produce separate state editions of certain book series
to meet the specific needs of various state boards of education. Some large purchasers
like California, Texas and Florida purchase enough copies of a text that they can
influence the editing of the text they will eventually buy.
With Science Voyages 2000 we have discovered that there are California student and teacher
editions of the middle school series. The images used in these editions
differ to some degree from the images used in the previous series. In some cases
images found in one book in the general edition are found in a different book in the
series in the California edition. For more background on this topic see
(Story 253)
and (Story 260)
that were published earlier this fall.
The ISBN numbers for the California student edition of Science Voyages are:
Red Book
Green Book
Blue Book
The ISBN for the teachers edition of the Red Book is: 002-8286324. At this writing we
have been unable to determine the ISBN numbers for the Green and Blue books, but we
assume that since there is a teachers edition for one, there is also a teachers edition
for the other two.
It is recommended that photographers and agents who have images in the Science Voyages
series demand a complete list of the versions of this series that have been published.
At that point if would be wise to either purchase a single copy of every book in the
series, or join together with other photographers whose names are included in the credits
in order to get access to copies to determine whether or not your images have been used.
It appears that you can not trust Glencoe to supply that information.