Fashion photographers beware! Much of your market is about to disappear. Why bother dealing with temperamental photographer and models when customers can hang the clothes on a mannequin and give the mannequin a human looking body and expression with Photoshop. That’s what
Looklet is doing.
The Looklet Look Creator is a simple but powerful tool the can generate all of the product images the customer needs, with models selected from the Looklet Model Library or custom-configured to conform to any look the customer wants.
Looklet technology has been designed specifically for large retail and fashion companies faced with photographing rapidly increasing volumes of clothes. With Looklet models, photographers, and hair and makeup stylists are no longer needed. All that’s required is someone to dress the mannequin and a graphic designer to operate the software. Everything from styling down to model facial expressions is controllable by the designer.
Among the clients already using the Looklet services are H&M, Vente-Privee, JCPenny, NeimanMarcus and the otto group.
Think You’re Safe Because You Photograph Products, Not People
Check out this
story. Much of the imagery in product catalogs is not photography at all, but 3D renderings. IKEA was one of the first to embrace 3D rendering, with about 75% of its catalog being computer generated.