Dreamstime now offers almost 15 million downloadable images to a user base of 5.1 million. With over 100,000 new users joining each month, Dreamstime now has the fastest-growing user base in the industry and is one of the web's most popular sites. The company's rapid growth is fueled by a unique, community-focused business model that crowdsources creativity.
Dreamstime's community of more than 140,000 contributors provides a stunning array of images that are downloaded at an average rate of one every two to three seconds. The company offers buyers affordable credit packages, monthly subscription plans, extended licensing options and full buyout opportunities. Approximately 80% of Dreamstime's nearly five million registered users rely on the company as their primary source for images.
The company claims to be the second leading agency in total customers with more than 12 million unique visitors monthly. These customers download images at an “average rate of one every two to three seconds.” Assuming this calculation is based on a 24-hour day, 365 days a year the total images downloaded in a year would be between 10.5 million and 15.7 million. If they are talking about a “business day” then the number of downloads would be quite a bit less.
"We're successful because we offer quality images - including half a million free images - and make it easy for users to find exactly the right photo," said Serban Enache, CEO of Dreamstime. "Our incredibly creative contributor community provides images for every project, and their active involvement continuously improves our site."