Dreamstime has introduced a new corporate account system that streamlines administration of file downloads and enhances purchase and invoice tracking for large firms with multiple users. The new system enables multi-user firms to designate a Corporate Administrator, create multiple sub-accounts, and administer systems for purchasing images and track invoices. Previously, large firms managed purchases of file downloads in the same way as individuals through personal accounts.
Though users at the same firm could communicate, they could not easily share or monitor account activity among users in different departments or branches of the firm. “In the past, the process required a business manager to purchase image credits and then transfer them to a creative director or other team member to download and use,'' said Serban Enache, CEO of Dreamstime. "Now, a manager can simply request corporate account rights and then add all other company accounts so all parties can manage their credits and downloads in one place."
Under the new system, firms also can take advantage of corporate credit packages allowing purchase of bulk credits redeemable for 12 months after purchase, and distribution of credits to sub-accounts. Corporate accounts are eligible for large-volume discounts of as much as 44 percent and subscription plans can be automatically renewed.
Unlike other stock photo sites, Dreamstime charges nothing extra for their corporate account service.
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