There is a growing demand for narrowly focused image collections that provide high quality, tightly edited and in depth coverage of their particular niche.
DisabilityImages is a good example of one such collection.
DT Network has featured, a stock photo agency that provides pictures of “people with real disabilities and their lifestyle, emphasizing positive, empowered, accessible and adaptive activities. The collection offers high-quality, royalty-free images for licensing and publication. No models. No posers.”
Disability Today (DT) Network, the disability community’s first social media network, is an ‘exposition’ of independently-hosted media channels under 15 different areas of special interest to people with disabilities, their families and friends and healthcare professionals. It was developed by Disability Today Publishing Group, Inc., a community pioneer, and leader for over 20 years for people with disabilities.
Jeff Tiessen, Executive Producer of Disability Today Network states, “For publishers and marketers within the disability community, it is very important that the people we represent in our media truly do represent the disability community accurately and honestly. It matters a lot. But frankly, sourcing “real” lifestyle images of people with disabilities has been the bane of our existence. There has been a dearth of this kind of quality photography throughout our industry. You need not look far to see how many companies and organizations are using the same "non-disabled" stock photography of people with disabilities. Photography from Disability Images is a real difference-maker, and a statement on the worth or value of meaningful, valid inclusion.”
Mark and Pat Hunt, founders of say, “We are happy to be working with the DT Network, to promote the efforts made on behalf of people with disabilities.” is differentiated in that it depicts the daily activities of a community that is typically under-represented, presenting clear and evocative images of subjects that are frequently sought after in the publishing industry. All images are available in multiple high-resolution formats; are free of logo and trademark issues; come with full model and property releases, and show real people with genuine disabilities.
The full article that appeared on Disability Today Network can be read