In celebration of the one-year anniversary of
Stocky United, Brianna Wettlaufer has been appointed CEO of the company. Ms. Wettlaufer was co-founder and former VP at iStockphoto, (which was acquired by Getty images for $50 million in 2006) and brings over 10 years of leadership and innovation to her role.
Stocksy’s former CEO, Bruce Livingstone will move to the position of Chairman of the Board and Richard Brown, with close to 15 years of experience managing large teams of IT professionals, has been named CTO.
“Ms. Wettlaufer invented the authentic category,” said Bruce Livingstone, Stocksy’s new Chairman, “a gifted creative director, exceptional curator, tech savvy, with strong leadership skills; this kind of talent doesn’t come along very often. She will be a rockstar CEO.”
Stocksy is a co-op and offers its photographers 50% royalties on the base license fees and 100% of any extended license fees. In the past year Stocksy has grown to almost 1,000 members.
In creating the company Livingstone said, “We wanted to create a marketplace for photographers that was not only democratic, but fair and sustainable. There’s no reason artists shouldn’t be able to earn a living from what they produce. We believe that through this equitable, participatory structure and a straightforward, transparent compensation system—combined with the knowledge of the marketplace we bring to the table—Stocksy will quickly amass the finest pool of photographic content on the Web.”