Reinvention Weekend, organized by the American Society of Picture Professionals and the Picture Archive Council of America, will be keynoted by Brian Storm of MediaStorm. Joining him in Boston on April 15 through 18 will be a lineup of photography and marketing notables.
Confirmed speakers include Rick Smolan of Against All Odds, Ilise Benun of, Allen Murabayashi of PhotoShelter, Caitlin Jewell of Silverscape, Nancy Andrews of the Detroit Free Press, Lou Jones, Ian Ginsberg of VII Agency and Dane Howard.
Additional information is available at the ASPP Web site, where registration for the event is now open. Members of the two organizations receive discounted admission pricing. There are also early-bird incentives, including a raffle for a comp annual ASPP membership extension. A regional ADBASE subscription raffle will also be held during the event. The Omni Parker House Hotel is offering special room rates for the event.
The ASPP/PACA Reinvention Weekend—also sponsored by Corbis, ADBASE, Virtual Picture Desk, Age Fotostock, Danita Delimont Stock Photography, Copyright Clearance Center, Hunt Photo & Video, National Geographic and Aurora—will kick off with a trade show, which will include a demo of pacaSearch. The trade show will be open to the public; display tables are still available for purchase.