The popular Strictly Business conference series from the American Society of Media Photographers returns in January 2011.Sessions are scheduled for Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Chicago. Education director Susan Carr said topics will include new approaches to licensing and copyright in the online media age, branding and marketing, the business side of video, stock photography, new business models and strategic career planning.
A portion of the conference’s funding comes from the money ASMP received from the Author’s Coalition. The money originates from foreign royalties and is distributed to organizations such as ASMP with a mandate to use it to further industry education and advocacy (among other acceptable uses).
ASMP members receive discounted admission. The event boasts numerous corporate sponsors and speakers that include Kate Baldwin, Ellen Boughn, Susan Carr, Jim Cavanaugh, Blake Discher, Shannon Fagan, Richard Harrington, Judy Herrmann, Todd Joyce, Richard Dale Kelly, Sean Kernan, Jay Kinghorn, Peter Krogh, Gail Mooney, Eugene Mopsik, Jeff Sedlik, Rosh Sillars, Colleen Wainwright and Thomas Werner.