Alamy Launches News Service
Posted on 10/18/2011 by Jim Pickerell | Printable Version |
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Alamy has announced the launch of its live news service which provides a stream of unique news, sport and entertainment photographs direct to customers. For the first time, Alamy will push live news to its customers via FTP minutes after the photographs were captured.
Alamy will be utilizing its network of thousands of photographers and hundreds of agencies to offer a blend of unique images and top news, sport and entertainment shots.
Alan Capel, head of content at Alamy, commented: “This is a great opportunity for photojournalists looking for a new revenue source. We are tapping into our existing network of talented contributors and making it easy for news sport and entertainment photographers and agencies to sell through Alamy.”
James Hall, Alamy’s head of news, said: “The Live News service is the first step on the way to making Alamy a major player in news images.
“We are going live with over 900 freelance photographers and several well established news agencies including The Everett Collection and Allstar and we are welcoming submissions from right across our global community. Our 7 day a week news desk team will be taking the best of these images and passing them on to our news customers in a matter of minutes.
“By broadening our product range to include both stock and news, Alamy now has a comprehensive offering for global media outlets.”
Copyright © 2011
Jim Pickerell.
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