We have several short items for you including a variety of developments at Getty and Corbis, Exactly!'s plans to launch a service for stock photographers, MIRA's hiring of an editor, developments in the photographer action against the Boston Globe, and the termination of the Professional Photographer's of America's copyright licensing program.
Stories this month include: New developments at Getty and Corbis, Finding Other Marketing Options,Things Needed to Sell Worldwide on the Internet, an analysis of Alamy.com and more.
News about Getty, DOJ investigation of Corbis, Magnum's rejection of Getty and Corbis, Picture Perfect still not paying, Speedpix eliminates up-front charges, Pictor representing PhotoAlto and PPA licensing organization.
Photographer Allan Tannenbaum sends an open letter to other Sygma photographers outlining his reasons for leaving Corbis after more than 20 years as a Sygma photographer. Other photographers are also leaving.
Corbis abruptly cancels a press conference at Perpignan in an effort to avoid tough questions about the Sygma contract. Relations with editorial photographers are rapidly detoriating.