Between 280 and 300 Stone photographers earned in excess of $10,000 in 1st quarter 2000. Of these between 196 and 210 (70%) had 1st quarter 2000 earning that were 20% higher than 1st quarter 1999.
Short news items include: Survey of Number of Stock Agency Scanned Images, Digital Video Seminars,Monkmeyer Closes, New Photographer Relations Manager for Stone and French Govt. Attack on Press Freedom.
If you think it will be a snap to keyword your images so people using other languages can find them -- think again. To get some idea about how hard it is to translate keywords into multiple languages consider some of the fiascos major corporations have had in trying to market their products in other countries.
Freelance writers, illustrators, and photographers of the Boston Globe have filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of one thousand freelancers, seeking an injunction in Massachusetts Superior Court against the Globe's unfair and deceptive trade practices.
Businenss Week has presented the details of their new working arrangements with photographers to many of the photographers who do regular assignments for the magazine. This agreement is a great improvement over Business Week's policies of a year ago. It is likely to set new industry standards which many publications will be forced to copy in order to compete.
Information from Index Stock Imagery, other agencies and individual photographers supplies additional perspective on the way images are acquired and used by Webshots. It appears images are properly licensed, although for very low fees.
The representation of the National Geographic Image Collection is causing quite a stir outside the U.S. Some readers believe the foreign agencies currently representing the NGIC catalogs will no longer have ''exclusive'' rights to license the images which is not the case.'s rights to the catalog images are restricted to the U.S.