172 photographers responded to Selling Stock's income trends survey for the years 2000 through 2002. The combined gross income for 2002 was $24,244,557 with an average income of $140,956. Stock income was 67% of total income. Income in 2002 was 14% below 2000 levels.
Alamy is asking photographers to give up an additional percentage of their sales so Alamy can add distributors to their international sales operation. The combined Alamy/Distributor commission is 55%. Photographers are asking will the reductions in percentage ever end?
An ambitious new survey has been launched that will attempt to finally resolve the question of The Size of the Stock Image Market in the U.S. While sponsored by PACA, an effort will be made to collect data from ALL stock image sellers, regardless of affiliation. TrendWatch will tabulate the data.
Getty Images reported 4th quarter 2002 revenue of $117.7 million. Net income for the year was $21.5 million, or $0.39 per diluted share. Total revenue for 2002 was $463 million which exceeded their estimates at the beginning of the year.
This includes short items on: Grey Worldwide Demands Exclusive Rights To ALL Stock Images; StockPhotoRequest.com To Launch In March; TrendWatch Says Specialization Is Key; PictureArts Launches Botanica Brand; Getty Gives Photographers Reuse Revenue and Digital Vision Closes Offices.