This story analyzes Return Per Image at Getty and compares it with likely returns from Corbis and Alamy. Most photographers will be surprised with the comparative results between RM and RF.
The StockArtistsAlliance (SAA) and PicScout have launched a joint trial using the high technology PicScout Image Tracker Service to investigate Internet use of photographs.
In an in-depth presentation to stock market analysts who follow Getty Images the company revealed many details about its plans for 2005. This story examines some of the information provided and explores the implications of the moves for others in the industry.
This edition of Random Thoughts confirms that Amana/Zefa rumor was FALSE, and it outlines Getty's Financial Guidance to investors for 2005.
This issue has short items on: Amana In Play For Zefa?, How Does Your Income From Getty Compare With The Averages, Stock Agency Costs, Earnings From Reuse Fees and Creatas Adds India Culture And Lifestyle Images.