ImageState acquired International Stock Photography Ltd, for cash in October. Reliable sources indicate that International Stock had gross revenue of approximately $2.5 million in 2000, and that the sale price was the equivalent of approximately four months of sales.
This story deals with Financial Problems at Gamma and GlobalPhoto in France, Getty Returns 10 Million Images, New Corbis Stock Market Contract, Conditions of Ad Business Compared to 18 Months Ago, New Zefa Catalog, New Digital Newsgroup and more.
Getty Images has been struggling with the integration of the VCG accounting systems into their new Alliant accounting software. Photographer sales statements have been delayed. This story explains what has been happening as Getty works toward solutions.
If you are having trouble getting your images where they can be seen by customers this article is for you. It explains why it is happening (it has very little to do with the quality of your pictures) and what you need to do to Get Your Images Seen.
What is involved in Effective Keywording? Should you limit the number of words you use, or keyword extensively? How is the best way to get this job done? What is the process? This story answers all these questions and more about keywording.
Corbis has announced its intention to dramatically reposition and reorganize its production and distribution systems at Corbis-Sygma. In Paris 93 out of 191 jobs will be affected. Forty-two French staff photographers are scheduled to lose their positions.