Carl Purcell settles with AOL. Galen Rowell, Carr Clifton, Jeff Gnass and Tom Till settle with Price Costco. Several lessons were learned.
This story pulls together statistics on Internet use from a variety of sources including: Andrew Kantor's seminar at Internet World, Barbara Brundage's presentation at Photo East, a PACA seminar, and a recent TrendWatch report.
With this file you can print out the entire November 1998 issue of SELLING STOCK which includes stories on the new TSI and FPG web sites and a long analysis of why photographers will continue to need both domestic and foreign stock agency representation, even when we go to full digital marketing.
PhotoDisc and Corel are involved in suits for allowing use of photos without proper model releases. West Stock and Zephyr are also involved in the PhotoDisc suit. The settlement in the PhotoDisc suit could be more than $1 million for according to Forbes Magzine.