Robert Tod, President of Todtri and Picture Perfect has provided a response to our Story 192 entitled ''Picture Perfect in Arrears.''
We have a major new survey which attempts to determine both income and expenses of stock photographers so we can make some judgements as to profits. We encourage all stock photographers to respond to this survey. The survey may be returned by mail or answered on-line. Non-subscribers responses are welcome.
Picture Perfect and Todtri Productions, Inc. are seriously delinquent in their payments to stock agencies and photographers. Both organizations are owned by Robert Tod and based in New York City.
Ellen Boughn is on the road again. She is now Vice President-Photography for Artville in Madison, WI after being with Definitive Stock in Seattle for about four months.
More short news items of interest to stock photo producers and sellers.
Sheldon Marshall has been replaced as Chief Executive of Visual Communications Group by Andrew Nugee. VCG is the still image marketing subsidiary of United News and Media in the UK and parent of FPG International in New York.
With this file you can print out the entire January 1999 issue of SELLING STOCK which includes a reaction to Jonathan Klein's argument for lowering Photographer percentages, a suit against PhotoDisc for usage of an image without a model release, and a major feature on the changes in photographer/agent relationships as a result of major agency consolidation on the industry.
Photographer Larry Aiuppy points out the fallacy in Jonathan Klein's thinking when Klein compared, in his recent New York speech, the percentage compensation phototgrapher ''talent'' receives to that of movie stars in the entertainment industry.
In the last few years as more and more of the marketing of stock photos has been taken over by conglomerates, bringing drastic changes to the industry. Often, what benefits these companies does not benefit the individual photographer. This article examines certain issues important to photographers, and suggests photographer strategies for the future.
A new feature of Selling Stock contains a number of short items of interest to stock photo producers and sellers.